Columbia Gorge Community College is seeking voter approval for a $13 million dollar bond. 

  1. Meeting Workforce Demand: There are local, regional, and national shortages in high demand skilled occupations including welding, construction, aviation maintenance and more that the college provides. These programs need upgrades to existing facilities in order to expand offerings.
  2. Improving Learning Environments: Classrooms, labs and  technology need important updates in order to support student workforce training.
  3. Ensuring the Safety of Students And Staff: Both The Dalles and Hood River campuses need important safety and security improvements in order to keep students and staff safe.
  4. Building Improvements to Improve Efficiency, Extend Lifespan: Buildings across the college need replacement and repair work on aging roofs, siding, and HVAC.
  • Enhancing student and staff safety with cameras, automatic locking systems and seismic upgrades.
  • Updating aging building systems for operations, energy efficiency, technology and accessibility improvements.
  • Modernizing classrooms and labs to provide educational technology and support students’ workforce training.
  • Improvements to The Dalles campus classrooms, labs, and buildings, including hybrid learning technology, supporting specialized job training, apprenticeship, and education programs. Improved food service and cafeteria facilities.
  • Upgrades to the Hood River Campus focused on educational (science lab and health) programs and community gathering.
  • Refinance loan that funded construction of the Regional Skills Center and student housing.

The State is expected to provide $5.5 million in matching funds.

The Proposed Bond Measure is Estimated to Maintain the Existing Tax Rate. 

This means the rate you pay today is the rate you would continue to pay.  

Property owners in the Columbia Gorge Community College district currently pay $0.27 per $1,000 of assessed value.  If passed, this measure is estimated to continue the same rate.

Our community college facilities are owned locally by our communities, and do not receive state funding to build, repair or update them. Community colleges regularly go to voters to request support in the form of a bond to make large scale repairs or additions that cannot be funded through normal operations. CGCC district voters currently pay $0.27 per $1,000 of assessed value to fund repairs and improvements to college facilities. This bond will not raise taxes. 

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